• About Us.

We work across both public and private sectors using technology, creativity, and psychology to challenge and support organisations to deliver their business outcomes.

Our unique mix of organisational and leadership insight alongside brand and product development experience means we’re like a marketing company for internal employees.

Our team operates in a sweet spot across three areas: learning and development (the theory), operational leadership (the reality) and marketing and communications (the glue to hold it together).

We’re dedicated to developing interventions that motivate, inspire and support frontline managers to bring the best of themselves to the work they do. And we think our approach makes us slightly different.

  • What We Do.


Leading and managing in a front line role can be one of the toughest jobs in a company, and a lack of support and ongoing development can sometimes put people off entirely. It’s even harder when you’re new to a role or it’s your first experience of people management.

We’ve distilled the fundamentals of leading and managing a team effectively and made them accessible to everyone in an online programme that’s cost-effective, scalable and designed around busy managers’ schedules.


Have you ever met someone in your organisation and said ‘if only we could bottle that…’ ? You know the ones – the rock stars, the queen bees, the people that smash it out the park consistently and the often unknown superstars who deserve to be heard.

We do just that. We partner with clients to tell the stories of the people who are making something happen in an organisation. Because no good story should go untold and bottling the best ones creates a sense of identity across a population and a platform for sharing good ideas, approaches and practices.


In our experience, internal communications often sidestep brand and marketing entirely. So great ideas end up dying in dry presentations, or a refreshed vision and values get lost by playing it safe in a corporate memo.

If you want your message to be heard and remembered, try playing a different game entirely. We develop strategic and creative campaigns that connect with employees across all media and channels. Because when something’s authentic, compelling and looks beautiful, we’re all more interested.

  • Why We Do It.

Over 80% of people in large organisations are managed by ‘junior’ managers…and leaders at the front line are often massively underserved when it comes to development, support and engagement.

It’s a problem hiding in plain sight. And it’s what we’re obsessed with at nsu. If you’d like to find out more about the frontline, why it matters and what we believe, read our white papers.

Too big to ignore.

Frontline managers are running your company. Their effective support and long-term development is a problem hiding in plain sight.

Mind the gap.

Frontline managers are the brand ambassadors of your company. Why brand values are nothing without behaviour.

Everyone loves a story.

Every high performing individual in a company has a story; their story. Why organisations need to tell them effectively.

Three things.

Good design is good business. And why you need to start treating employees like your own internal customers.

  • Who We Work With.

  • Selected Work.